Three Rivers Academy, the new high school in Nanyuki, Kenya, is preparing to open its doors in April. The Head of School, Joseph Lopeyok, has been working tirelessly to have everything ready to welcome the students. In its first year, the school will admit a small number of students (50-55) who will use the buildings already on the property while construction is on-going. The new academic building, dining room/multi-purpose room, and dormitories will be ready by the end of 2022 when the school begins to expand its enrollment. Three Rivers will use the Cambridge curriculum (the international version of the British curriculum) that is recognized world-wide. Though the academic curriculum is important, character development will have top priority at the school. As Head of School Joseph Lopeyok says, “Three Rivers Academy students will be known for the quality of their character.” The school’s motto reflects this priority: Love good, Be good. Do good